This post is for those of you out there who've never really felt like you fit in among your school peers. You know who you are - when everyone else was worrying about who was who on "Survivor" you were reading manuals for computers or learning how to make your Palm Pilot say "Hello World." You were the one who had all the answers in science class, but you were afraid to raise your hand more than twice per day.
It was always just assumed that, of course, you would do well in school and go as high and far as you could, because, you know, somebody had to. Maybe you got the nickname "perfesser" at a young age because folks could come to you for wisdom.
Well I'm here to tell you that "it gets better." One day in the not-so-distant future, your years of persistance and self-reliance and reliability will pay off with job offers and career-making opportunities that none of those folks who mocked you will have. You'll make more friends than you can imagine, because there are lots of folks out here just like you! What you'll find is that successful people everywhere study JUST LIKE YOU, and work hard JUST LIKE YOU, and keep their promises JUST LIKE YOU DO. Successful people understand their limitations, and plan for the future, and keep a good, healthy attitude each and every day, JUST LIKE YOU.
Once you get away from the tyranny of the illiterate masses you'll be able to release your gifts and achieve whatever you'd like to - without apologizing for being SMART. You're already on your way, and trust me
It gets better.
Unfortunately, there is one big drawback to being smart that you can't outrun. The harder you work, the more work you'll have to do. And along with this will be responsibility, because you'll be more dependable than others, and those folks will look to you to "do something" in times of need. No getting around it, this is a big drawback, and I'm convinced this is one reason that so many otherwise smart people really just play dumb most of the time.
[To be continued]