My personal blog for news and musings, with occasional info for my MBA, MS Finance and undergrad students at University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL). Thanks for looking.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The G-Men are on the case - with Gibson Guitars
Let's hope that the wood police are satisfied and Gibson can go on making their trademark, world famous and coveted instruments.
Another example of "too much govt."
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Groupon gets into more mud with accounting measures
In August, the firm dropped Adjusted Consolidated Segment Operating Income, or ACSOI, from its IPO submission. ACSOI isn't GAAP, and it sounds fishy. But it shows how hard it is to reconcile investment with accounting sometimes; ACSOI allows them attempt to measure the value of their customer network or loyalty, or something, and amortize marketing costs over time. Unfortunately, it's just too fishy. Accounting has to figure out how to deal with fishy, I guess.
There were also questions in July, when I started looking at Groupon and its ilk and wondering how it wasn't a cash flow Ponzi scheme.
Didn't ZZZZ Best run into this kind of trouble?
There was another recent business model that suffered from the inability to amortize marketing expense properly, but I can't recall what it was. Hmmm.
Health Care Costs are Up: What did we expect?
I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I think it scares me.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Thanks AP: The wealthy pay more taxes than the middle class. Duh?
Believe it or not, the wealthiest Americans pay more taxes than the rest of us. Who knew?
From the article:
The Tax Policy Center estimates that 46 percent of households, mostly low- and medium-income households, will pay no federal income taxes this year. Most, however, will pay other taxes, including Social Security payroll taxes.
In fact, some folks will pay negative taxes. How does that happen? Well, programs such as EITC use the tax code as a redistribution platform. Sad but true.
Another good one, last two paragraphs:
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was pressed at a White House briefing on the number of millionaires who pay taxes at a lower rate than middle-income families. He demurred, saying that people who make most of their money in wages pay taxes at a higher rate, while those who get most of their income from investments pay at lower rates.
"So it really depends on what is your profession, where's the source of your income, what's the specific circumstances you face, and the averages won't really capture that," Geithner said.
This from the SecTreas that didn't pay his taxes until he was nominated. Fat lot he knows about the situation, evidently. If you work as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, you don't pay taxes. Is that how it works?Monday, September 19, 2011
Borders Closes Its Doors
I hope the best for the folks who lost their jobs. They're a talented bunch.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Gulf Coast Job Fair update!!!
The Big Show comes down on 9/21 (next Wednesday) 1:30 until in both atria of the Bayou Building. Please fix up your resume, get your suit cleaned, and plan to show up. Practice smiling in front of a mirror for a while... Get ready to shake some hands.
Click the title to sign up, or go to .
WashPo wants us to pay attention to faith, suddenly
If it's an effort to tell me that Gov. Perry is somehow pandering to the Evangelical Right, I'd argue that he's doing nothing different from the rest of his political career, and that it isn't pandering if you live your life that way.
Folks who hold a candidate's faith against them are going to do that regardless of what the Washington Post thinks. I seem to recall that the sitting prez wrote and spoke a lot about HIS faith when he was running, too...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tole Ja. Social Security trustees say there are fewer than 2 payers for each recipient
The trustees tell us stuff occasionally.
VW-Porsche merger may not happen after all
Jamie Dimon Blasts Basel III
Friday, September 9, 2011
Big News: Gulf Coast Job Fair
Be ready when you get there - 2.5 hours goes by pretty quickly. Good luck.
This is Caitlin's flyer:
The Office of Career Services Presents the 2011 GULF COAST JOB FAIR
University of Houston-Clear Lake, Bayou Building, Atrium I & II
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with companies and organizations from various industries looking to connect with UHCL students and alumni!
Visit for more information and to register!
We are grateful to our sponsor level employers for helping to support this event: Enterprise Holdings, ALS Environmental, Dahill, David McDavid Automotive Group, MetLife and Verizon Wireless.
Attending Employers:
Monday, September 5, 2011
US Treasury reports tax credits to folks with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs)
The IRS site describing who needs ITINs is here. It says that
ITINs are issued regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident aliens may have a U.S. filing or reporting requirement under the Internal Revenue Code.
I guess the most interesting part is the tax credit stuff.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Jeff Bezos' rocket shot not as successful as Amazon
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Apollo 18, the canceled mission
Although I liked "Red Planet" a lot, mainly for the actors involved, I can say that nothing ever goes well when NASA, or the Navy for that matter, refuses to lend support to a movie about NASA or the Navy.
Who knows whether this thing is dreck or not? I can say that it's a neato premise, because the guy that did "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" also used (real) found footage to try to expose the moon shot as a scam*. Somebody took his idea one step further and turned it into science fiction without the conspiracy theories as a motive. Good call. I hope it works out for them.
I'm also of the opinion that anything that brings the Apollo program back to hearts and minds is probably a good thing. We should never forget the men, women and families that sacrificed here and Houston and around the world to make the moon shots happen. People gave their lives for that effort, literally, and some folks are still dealing with the pain that it caused them.
* Please don't give Bart Sibrel hits on his site if you can help it. Having heard him on Coast-to-Coast and other shows back around of the time of his movie's debut, I can attest that he's probably a moron. But if you remember the controversy that the Fox specials caused about 10 years ago, you should figure that he's probably a moron who's made money with it. I put the link here so I didn't forget the rage.